Supply chain transparency – indispensable in retail

The increasing demand for transparency in supply chains, as well as for traceability and sustainability, is just one of the particular challenges facing those in the food industry. As the intermediary between manufacturers and consumers, retailers have a key role to play in providing transparent information – particularly in the event of a crisis situation when the public eye turns upon them! Manufacturers and distributors of own brands are legally and ethically responsible for the safety of their products. ftrace helps retailers to meet these growing demands. By standardising supply chain data, ftrace enables all players in the food industry to exploit this information, which could be used for verifying data quality, analysing the supply chain in the event of a crisis or communicating with customers – not to mention increasing efficiency by digitalising the fresh food counters.

All benefits at a glance

A stronger image for your products

Tell the stories behind your products

  • Sharpen your profile and optimise your promotion based on reliable information, such as the origin of private label products
  • Build confidence by creating transparency along the entire supply chain: all companies involved, manufacturing processes and quality guidelines
  • Boost product acceptance by using extra content such as images, videos, certificates and recipes
  • Create differentiation by underlining the proven quality of your own brands

The capacity to react in a crisis

Optimise reaction times in the event of a crisis

  • Identify all companies connected to a specific product batch in a matter of seconds
  • Determine the precise sales batches affected by a contamination of raw material
  • Speed up product recalls as a result of inter-company transparency along the entire supply chain
  • Remain capable of providing information to authorities, consumers, suppliers and NGOs

Legal certainty for companies

Efficiently comply with all statutory requirements

  • With ftrace, you have the guarantee that your data is error-free, which is the fundamental condition for checking the completeness of all statutory data.
  • You can be certain that all statutory information about your private label products is already available in the system.
  • You will also find it easier to comply with the legal requirements of specific product lines – ranging from the Fish Hygiene Ordinance to the Beef Labelling Act.
  • The digitalisation of processes on fresh food counters results in greater transparency, including with regard to the completeness of statutory data required for food safety inspections.



Increasing efficiency

Avoid inefficiencies when exchanging data

  • Standardised data can be checked for quality and completeness at any time.
  • These data provide the basis for in-depth analyses of your supply chain with regard to quality, social, environmental and economic standards as well as for targeted customer communication.
  • Standard interfaces ensure that supply chain data can easily be integrated for use within your own ERP system.
  • Depending on the range of products stocked, retailers can save up to 60 minutes per day per store by digitalising fresh food counters.

Supply chain transparency

Keep a constant eye on all stages of your supply chain

  • Transparent processes beyond the immediate upstream stages
  • Information advantage for marketing and crisis management thanks to the generation of reliable data
  • The capacity to provide information about the origin of products, about companies and processes involved in product processing, about sustainability, social, environmental and economic standards and animal welfare

Help shape supply chain transparency

Get involved in designing the supply chains of the future

  • Play an active role in the ftrace advisory board and take advantage of the growing ftrace community.
  • Play an active role in supporting international interoperability by implementing standards.
  • Share knowledge about supply chain transparency, sustainability and product traceability with other network partners.
  • Receive access to the latest research findings and technological advances in the field of traceability and supply chain transparency.


Would you like to find out more about ftrace and the benefits that traceability and supply chain transparency could bring your company? Book a demo today or contact us with your questions.


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